So my questions to the community would be : Does anybody know a good way to remove the filler material without just soaking the entire hotend in the bath? (unless thats okay to do in which case is that okay to do?) In order to replace the heating elements I need to find a replacement, so far the only place I have found that sells them is one website ( ) for a few hundred dollars.

In order to repair and insulate the leads i would need to get the heating element out of the block which is proving quite difficult as the set screw appears to be stripped and gunked up with the filler material, the same with the top of the heating element, a solid mass of filler where the wires connect to the element, not something i can ship away at without damaging the wires further. Now after many de-cloggings and cleanings we have reached where we are now, previously the support would actually bubble back out of the hotend, coming out over the throat of the hotend and gumming up the extruder assembly, which took a fair bit of cleaning to get taken care of but was do-able, however in this most recent attempt to de-gunk it I noticed that the wires leading to half of the heating block (each extruder has two powered heating blocks) had been frayed, having lost their protective high temp fabric coating the wires themselves were exposed, which is a predicament.Ĭurrently I'm looking at attempting to either insulate the exposed leads, or replace the heating element. So I'm a proud supporter of open source printers, but at my work we have a proprietary everything printer from stratasys, the Dimension 1200es with soluble support material, now we ran it with the filament it came with (everything used) and had issue after issue with the support material clogging, instead of just buying a new roll like we should have we tried the "spend money as a last resort" technique (the rolls are hilariously expensive) and tried different rolls, cutting off a few feet to hopefully get rid of the filament that had been exposed to moisture, and so forth.